First Principal’s Message – March 2017


We enjoyed another great meeting this past February. The attendance was good with twelve Tzouhalem members and 3 Visitors (EC Pat Fyffe, 1st. Time visit), a note of thanks to EC Art Graff for providing an excellent Chinese fare for our dinner.

In Education, I presented a lecture on Royal Arch Banners, their history, colours, use and placement. Some confusion arose concerning the colour of the banners as the Tzouhalem Banners differed in colour from those described in the lecture. I followed up with Grand Chapter to clarify this matter and found that what I had presented was a U.S. lecture and it naturally had differences from Canadian ritual and practices. The important point stressed by Grand Chapter however, was that it is the symbols of the Banners (Lion, OX, Man, and Eagle) which are important and not the Colours. These are generally prescribed by the Grand Chapter of any given Region.  I hope that clears everything up for all companions and my thanks to MEC Norm McEvoy for his help in is matter.

The new Chapter By-Laws being adopted were issued to all Companions present and the remainder will be mailed. Scribe Ezra will have extra copies should anyone require them.

Hopefully, we can maintain our great attendance for the March Meeting (on 21 March 2017).

I look forward to seeing you all.

Best Wishes and Fidelity.
EC Paul Philcox
1st. Principal
Tzouhalem Chapter #26

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