The Tzouhalem Chapter, No. 26 Officers for 2017 were Installed at the Joint Installation of Tzouhalem Chapter, No. 26 and Pacific Rim Chapter, No. 44, held on 17 November 2017 at the Sooke Masonic Temple in Sooke, B.C.

The Tzouhalem Chapter, No. 26 Installed Officers for 2017 are:
- EC Paul Philcox——1st. Principal
- EC Rick Mellson—–2nd. Principal
- EC Bob Crawford—-3rd. Principal
- VEC Ron Coulter——–Scribe Ezra and Treasurer
- CMP George Kilvington——Principal Sojourner
- CMP Ken Swain—————Senior Sojourner
- EC Don Cummingham——-Junior Sojourner
- REC Danny Dyke—————-Director of Ceremonies
- EC John Fenmore-Collins——Scribe Nehemiah and Historian
- REC Richard Nesbitt———–Tyler
Our newly Installed First principal, EC Paul Philcox reports that “the Companions of Pacific Rim Chapter, No. 44 did a grand job of organizing the Installation Ceremony which was attended by 10 Companions from Tzouhalem #26, the Grand Lodge 1st. Principal, MEC Godfrey Onymaobi and his Grand Council, plus the Companions of Pacific Rim Chapter No. 44, for a total of 45 Companions. A significant turnout which added greatly to the Ceremonies success.
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